Thursday, February 9, 2012

Martin Puryear

This was a great reading, I thought that Puryear's passion for art and traveling was very inspiring.  His love of learning to cultures and immersing himself in foreign areas of the world is something that I can relate to. I have always wanted to travel, and now that I am coming to that age where I am able to do so, it is very interesting reading about people who do this for a living.  I thought his work was exceptional, he is a very talented sculptor.

Kendall Buster

After reading this article, it is clear that Kendall Buster is a very talented artist.  Her resume seems to be never ending with her work.  Recognized all over the world, Buster truly has some great accomplishments. After looking at all of her work, I have even more of an appreciation for artists.  All of her projects were so detailed, and looked as though they took a massive amount of time.  I thought her work was great, and I enjoyed reading her bio.