Tuesday, November 8, 2011

the HOW blog

_ BLOG: How does "HOW" you take the photo add to the meaning of the word? How does HOW you take the photo add to the meaning of the word? (Try shooting your letters at an ants view (get low), as well as from above. Also, how does where you place the letters effect the meaning.

How you take the photo is very important in regards to its meaning because visual aspects of these letters is the most important part.  For example, when you see the word extend, all squeezed together would not make sense.  However, when the word is spaced out, it makes much more sense.  The placement of these letters also is a very important aspect of this photo shoot, this is because placing them in a way that demonstrates the meaning will give more power to the project as a whole, which in the end is something that is needed to have this project make sense.


Written description of the project:
This project is different then anything I have done before.  Before this project I had never really given much thought to the literal context of simple words such as “squeeze.”  I chose the word “squeeze” initially because I thought that there were numerous creative things I could do with this to make it unique.  However, after reading the directions further, I discovered that there were certain rules and guidelines that needed to be followed.  After creating 20 hand-constructed collages of the word, I filtered off of each idea in hopes to create something perfect.  At first I thought it was going to be difficult to come up with 20 different collages, but after I got on a role, it was actually pretty easy.  This project consisted of using your creative mind to think of different designs that would depict the word of your choice in a literal sense.  After creating 20 compositions of this word in black and white, we were asked to incorporate color.  After creating numerous compositions in color, we then were asked to refine six of them along with three of our black and white compositions.
Written Reflection on “Parts of the Letter”:
“Parts of the Letter” is a document that discusses how typography evolved.  It discusses how all of the letters we know to day are marks by hand, and are just simple line structures, many of which are linear.  The creation of all the different letters was a simple, “who can make a better letter” idea.  The document discusses how the visual characteristics of each marking made by an individual was assessed by others in which they then created a new letter.  Typographers and designers study the history of these letters to create a newer better visual character.  The alphabet has been developing for more than 500 years, and over time has given a hefty vocabulary.  These terms are still used today to describe the beautiful works of art that each letter of the alphabet is.
Written reflection of the project: what did you learn, what problems did you encounter:
I think I learned quite a bit from this project.  There are numerous techniques that I learned from the practice designs.  I took the information that I learned from these practice designs and applied them to my newest templates.  After learning all of these new things, I thought about different ways that I could switch it up and make it my own.    I had some technical problems when doing this a few times.  However, it was almost a good thing to encounter problems.  This is because when you have problems, you are able to learn from your mistakes.  Some of the problems that I encountered were a few of the steps of the tutorials.  I misread the tutorials and then discovered that it will not work unless everything is done in order.  But after a few mistakes, it was smooth sailing from there!


Friday, October 7, 2011


squeeze |skwēz|verb[ trans. firmly press (something soft or yielding), typically with one's fingers Kate squeezed his hand affectionately [ intrans. he squeezed with all his strength.• [ trans. extract (liquid or a soft substance) from something by compressing or twisting it firmly squeeze out as much juice as you can[as adj. with submodifier ( squeezed) freshly squeezed orange juice.• [ trans. obtain (something) from someone with difficulty a governor who wants to squeeze as much money out of taxpayers as he can.• informal pressure (someone) in order to obtain something from them :she used the opportunity to squeeze him for information.• (esp. in a financial or commercial context) have a damaging or restricting effect on the economy is being squeezed by foreign debt repayments.• ( squeeze off) informal shoot a round or shot from a gun squeeze off a few well-aimed shots.• ( squeeze off) informal take a photograph he squeezed off a half-dozen Polaroids.• Bridge force (an opponent) to discard a guarding or potentially winning card.[ intrans. manage to get into or through a narrow or restricted space Sarah squeezed in beside her he found a hole in the hedge andsqueezed his way through.• [ trans. manage to force into or through such a space she squeezed herself into her tightest pair of jeans.• [ intrans. ( squeeze up) move closer to someone or something so that one is pressed tightly against them or it he guided her toward a seat, motioning for everyone to squeeze up and make room.• [ trans. ( squeeze someone/something in) manage to find time for someone or something the doctor can squeeze you in at noon.• [ trans. ( squeeze someone/something out) force someone or something out of a domain or activity workers have been squeezed out of their jobs.nounan act of pressing something with one's fingers a gentle squeeze of the trigger.• a hug.• a state of forcing oneself or being forced into a small or restricted space it was a tight squeeze in the tiny hall.• dated a crowded social gathering.• a small amount of liquid extracted from something by pressing it firmly with one's fingers squeeze of lemon juice.• a strong financial demand or pressure, typically a restriction on borrowing, spending, or investment in a financial crisis industry faced higher costs and a squeeze on profits.• a molding or cast of an object, or an impression or copy of a design, obtained by pressing a pliable substance around or over it.• informal money illegally extorted or exacted from someone he was out to extract some squeeze from her.• Bridge a tactic that forces an opponent to discard an important card.• (also squeeze play or suicide squeeze) Baseball an act of bunting a ball in order to enable a runner on third base to start for home as soon as the ball is pitched.informal a person's girlfriend or boyfriend the poor guy just lost his main squeeze.PHRASESput the squeeze on informal coerce or pressure (someone).DERIVATIVESsqueezable adjectivesqueezer nounORIGIN mid 16th cent.from earlier squise, from obsolete queise, of unknown origin.

Make it Better! Design for 5 bucks

Project Brief:
The main goal of this project was to take an object that we thought had poor design, and revamp it.  Redesigning an object that was under five dollars, and making it better designed and more functional.  The objective was to add features that would help its efficiency, and either take away the problems it had, or redesign those features of the object that were the problem.  After carefully interviewing a broad group of people to see what the overall impression of that object is, we used the information from those interviews to make our plans, which we would then execute and make a better designed object.
I thought this project was very eye opening.  I never really realized how many flaws such a simple object like tape could have.  After really analyzing what I liked and disliked, it was easy to make an object that would work best for me.  However, when creating an object, it is important to think of a design that will appeal to the largest number of people, especially in sales.  After doing this project, I now look at numerous objects and find the flaws hoping that someday someone will redesign the object.  

Reflection of “The Writers Toolbox”:
Through The Writers Toolbox, we learned how to construct a mind map, and what the benefits of using this tactic are.  The benefits of using a mind map when doing a project like redesigning an object are thinking of a simple idea, but branching off, making more complex thoughts in the process.  Once you write down one thing on a mind map, the quick process of linking different thoughts to a specific thought makes more more ideas, some out of the box, and some that are potentially great.

1) What do you like about this tape dispenser?
2) What do you dislike? 
3) How would you use this product?
4) Is there a certain feature you still wish it had?
1) I can still store it anywhere, I like the new shape
2) There isn’t much I don’t like about the new design, its pretty cool.
  1. Even though it has a new design, I probably still wont use it a lot, but I would use it for projects and homework
4) It’s got everything I could think of that I would need
Interviewer: Taylor Zahrt
Interviewee: Carson Rufledt
1) Its small and square, and it has grips
2) I like everything on this prototype
3) I use it to tape things for homework and stuff
4) I think everything I said in my interview before, was put into the new prototype
Interviewer: Taylor Zahrt
Interviewee: Claire Henry
  1. I really like the shape, I love the grips, and the measured part is really a neat idea as well.  Also that I can just buy new rolls of tape instead of buying a whole new dispenser is nice
  2. Nothing, its great.
  3. I will use tape more now for projects and homework not just for wrapping gifts
  4. Nope, everything looks good!

Monday, September 26, 2011

IDEO Deep Dive Video

I thought this video was very inspirational.  The people in this video proved that there is nothing that can't be achieved, or made better.  The IDEO workers push themselves to new levels every time they step into their workspace.  A main point that was made was that crazy, seemingly unrealistic ideas, lead to the ideas that turn out to be true winners.  From this video I learned that you have to think out of the box in order to make something really great.  I really enjoyed watching this video and I hope to one day push myself to new levels like these workers did to make my own art and creations great.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Another 5 Objects of Good Design

I chose this image because, it may not be the most detailed, but it is very bold.  It gets right to the point, and tells exactly what I am trying to depict.  

I really like how this image turned out.  Again, it is not very detailed, but the lines, and the contrast between the positive and negative space really make the image pop.  

As a contour line drawing, I really like how this shoe turned out.  It shows a lot of shape, and there really is no need for a ton of detail, it is simple, but intricate at the same time.

This is not a drawing, but I really like how the image turned out.  I like how it narrows in on the TOMS label and how the background is blurry.  I thought this image turned out pretty decent.

This was my favorite image of the entire project.  It was a contour line drawing, and I really like the shape all of the lines give the shoe.  It gives the drawing depth, and texture as well.

Monday, September 5, 2011

5 TOMS Sketches

This is a TOMS heel.  I chose to draw this with as a combination of contour lines, and then adding value.  I liked how the lines gave the shoe a lot of shape, and really emphasized its curvature.  

These are scribble drawings of my object.  Each sketch on this page was done in about 10 seconds as the time frame.  I like the scribble drawings because it shows the movement of my pencil and arm when creating an image.

I really like playing with the different angles when drawing, especially when the assignment is to draw the same object over and over.    The arial view of this image is different and unique compared to a majority of the other drawings I did.

This sketch was my favorite.  I experimented with the negative space, and then added value.  I like the pair of shoes, and how they are sitting.  I like how this sketch turned out all in all, however I think a little bit more value could be added if I wanted to.

These are scribble drawings, however they are not super "scribbly".  In my mind, they are a cross between contour and scribble drawings.  The time frame was longer on these, thus why they look neater than the scribble sketch above.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Objectified is a documentary style video that describes our view of products.  These products are manufactured to be beautiful gadgets that people will love, use and therefore buy.  The documentary is an in-depth look at how all of these items were made, and shows all of the work that is needed to simply make the design.  On top of the design, the execution of actually making the product is a large process in itself.  These designers seek to make unique, sustainable, products.  The designers want to make influential products that make peoples lives easier, and more efficient with everyday tasks.
This movie has everything to do with everyone. Everyone uses these objects on a daily bases.  And no one realizes the work that is required to make just great products.  I hope to one day create epic, beautiful designs through my photographs.  I want to make beauty and have people appreciate my hard work.  On top of that I want to inspire people so that they have a drive to do the same.