Friday, October 7, 2011

Make it Better! Design for 5 bucks

Project Brief:
The main goal of this project was to take an object that we thought had poor design, and revamp it.  Redesigning an object that was under five dollars, and making it better designed and more functional.  The objective was to add features that would help its efficiency, and either take away the problems it had, or redesign those features of the object that were the problem.  After carefully interviewing a broad group of people to see what the overall impression of that object is, we used the information from those interviews to make our plans, which we would then execute and make a better designed object.
I thought this project was very eye opening.  I never really realized how many flaws such a simple object like tape could have.  After really analyzing what I liked and disliked, it was easy to make an object that would work best for me.  However, when creating an object, it is important to think of a design that will appeal to the largest number of people, especially in sales.  After doing this project, I now look at numerous objects and find the flaws hoping that someday someone will redesign the object.  

Reflection of “The Writers Toolbox”:
Through The Writers Toolbox, we learned how to construct a mind map, and what the benefits of using this tactic are.  The benefits of using a mind map when doing a project like redesigning an object are thinking of a simple idea, but branching off, making more complex thoughts in the process.  Once you write down one thing on a mind map, the quick process of linking different thoughts to a specific thought makes more more ideas, some out of the box, and some that are potentially great.

1) What do you like about this tape dispenser?
2) What do you dislike? 
3) How would you use this product?
4) Is there a certain feature you still wish it had?
1) I can still store it anywhere, I like the new shape
2) There isn’t much I don’t like about the new design, its pretty cool.
  1. Even though it has a new design, I probably still wont use it a lot, but I would use it for projects and homework
4) It’s got everything I could think of that I would need
Interviewer: Taylor Zahrt
Interviewee: Carson Rufledt
1) Its small and square, and it has grips
2) I like everything on this prototype
3) I use it to tape things for homework and stuff
4) I think everything I said in my interview before, was put into the new prototype
Interviewer: Taylor Zahrt
Interviewee: Claire Henry
  1. I really like the shape, I love the grips, and the measured part is really a neat idea as well.  Also that I can just buy new rolls of tape instead of buying a whole new dispenser is nice
  2. Nothing, its great.
  3. I will use tape more now for projects and homework not just for wrapping gifts
  4. Nope, everything looks good!

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